Celebrate Sleep Week: 5 Practical Tips To Get A Better Night's Sleep

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Celebrate Sleep Week: 5 Practical Tips To Get A Better Night's Sleep
There are many factors that can negatively affect our sleep. Whether it’s a pet that doesn’t understand bedtime, the thoughts of the day that keep swirling around your head, or the list of things to do tomorrow you keep adding to-  we understand there are many things that can prevent us from getting a good night's sleep. With this in mind, we created our Sleep Well Collection to calm your mind and relax your body for bedtime, naturally!
In celebration of World Sleep Day May 18th, we’re sharing 5 practical tips to support a better night’s sleep.
  1. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule
Consistency is key! Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day (yes, even on the weekends or your days off). This maintains the timing of your body’s internal clock and can help you fall asleep and wake up more easily. Everyone’s body is different – some of us need more or less sleep than others. Generally, adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. 
  1. Designate Your Sleep Space 
With increasing work from home measures in place, it can be hard to draw the line between work and rest. It is important to not bring your work to bed- that means stop the endless social media scrolling too! Your mind and body should recognize your bed as a place of relaxation  –  not work. By designating separate sleep and workspaces, you will be able to distinguish between sleep time and work time, allowing you to fall asleep more easily. 
  1. Have a dark night and a bright day
No, we’re not talking about Batman….we’re reminding you to dim the lights at night and soak up the light during the day! Light influences your body’s circadian rhythm – your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle or “internal clock.”
During the day, the sunlight signals our body to feel more awake. When the sun goes down, it tells our body that it is time for bed. Today, we are busier than ever and adopting a “wake up with the sun” approach is not realistic. Plus, depending where you live, at certain times of the year it gets dark by 5pm (or even earlier)! 
To mimic the bright sunlight, simply turn on the lights if it's dark during the day and dim them when you are ready to wind down for bed. If it is really bright at night where you live, try to use blackout curtains to block out sleep disrupting light when it’s bedtime. 
  1. Avoid screens before bedtime 
Avoiding using your phone, computer, tablet, and watching TV 1 to 2 hours before bed. Most screens emit blue light which hinders your body’s ability to produce the “sleep hormone,” melatonin. Melatonin regulates your circadian rhythm and signals your body to feel more tired in the evening. This means blue light before bedtime makes it more difficult for you to fall asleep. 
Put away all devices that emit blue light before you go to bed. Try to place your phone away from your bedside table or even leave it in another room. If you use your phone as your alarm clock, try to switch to a digital alarm clock or turn off your phone’s notifications at night. These steps will minimize distractions and limit any temptations to use your phone or other electronic devices at night to promote better, less disrupted sleep.
  1. Create and Practice a Bedtime Routine
Creating a bedtime routine calms your mind and prepares you for bed. Our personal pre-bed routine favourites include taking a warm bath, sipping a warm caffeine-free drink, reading a book, journaling, and applying natural bodycare products. A perfect place to start your bedtime routine is with our 100% Natural Sleep Well Collection. Made with a blend of nourishing organic Argan oil and sleep-inducing chamomile, lavender, ylang ylang, and jasmine these natural products help ease your mind and body to promote restful, deeper sleep. 
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