How to Support LGBTQ2SAI+ People in Your Life

2 minute de lecture

How to Support LGBTQ2SAI+ People in Your Life

Scentuals values and celebrates the lives of all people within the LGBTQ2SAI+ community. We are committed to creating safe, inclusive spaces for everyone. 


We are celebrating Pride all month long by donating 10% of our Luxury Collection sales to QMUNITY


QMUNITY is a non-profit organization that is committed to providing inclusive, safe spaces for LGBTQ2SAI+ people and their allies to fully self-express while feeling welcomed and included. Their mission is to improve queer, trans, and Two-Spirit lives through services, connection, and leadership. 


QMUNITY has three pillars: support, connection, and leadership. These pillars are the cornerstones of their incredible work.



QMUNITY empowers queer, trans, and Two-Spirit individuals by offering services such as free counselling, information and referrals, access to gender-affirming chestwear, and youth one-on-on peer support. 



QMUNITY strengthens LGBTQ2SAI+ communities to be inclusive, connected, and resilient. They organize peer-facilitated support and social groups, special events, and volunteer and practicum opportunities.



QMUNITY leads the way towards both legal and lived equality in our society. They offer services that help allies and organizations develop understanding, language, skills, and inclusive spaces that better support LGBTQ2SAI+ folk. These services include Queer Competency workshops, educational resources, and advisory and consulting services.


Here are ways to be an ally to LGBTQ2SAI+ individuals:

  • Be supportive of anyone who decides to come out
  • Use people’s preferred names and pronouns (she/her, he/him, they/them)
  • Don’t make assumptions about people’s sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Speak out against homophobia, transphobia, and anti-LGBTQ2SAI+ harassment and discrimination
  • Read and learn about LGBTQ2SAI+ issues and history
  • Actively listen to the voices of LGBTQ2SAI+ individuals
  • Check-in and give space to talk openly and comfortably
  • Be judgement-free, trustworthy, and confidential
  • Use inclusive language 
  • Show unconditional love and compassion
  • Be vocal about your allyship 
  • Donate


Interested in learning more?

Additional resources can be found here.

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