Sleep Week 2023: Five Practical Tips to Promote a Better Night's Sleep

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Sleep Week 2023: Five Practical Tips to Promote a Better Night's Sleep

Whether it’s the sound of the leaking faucet or the list of things you need to do in the morning- there are many things that can be contributing to a poor night’s sleep. With this in mind, we created our Sleep Well Collection to calm your mind and relax your body for bedtime, naturally!

In celebration of World Sleep Day on March 17th, we’re sharing 5 practical tips to help you improve your sleep. 


  1. Limit Blue Light at Night 

Wear glasses that block blue light. 

Download an app such as f.lux to block blue light on your laptop or computer.

Install an app that blocks blue light on your smartphone. These are available for both iPhones and Android models.

Stop watching TV and turn off any bright lights 2 hours before heading to bed.


  1. Don’t consume caffeine late in the day

Although studies have shown that caffeine has many benefits- including enhanced focus, alertness, and energy, there are good reasons to avoid drinking it in the evening. 

Caffeine can stay elevated in your blood for 6–8 hours. Therefore, drinking large amounts of coffee after 3–4 p.m. is not recommended- especially if you’re sensitive to caffeine and/or generally struggle with sleep schedules already. 

If you do crave a cup of coffee in the late afternoon or evening, we recommend swapping it for a cup of tea or decaffeinated coffee. 


  1. Reduce irregular sleep times or long daytime naps

Sleeping in the daytime can confuse your internal clock, meaning that you may struggle to sleep at night. There have been studies that have concluded that napping during the day can actually cause individuals to be more tired and feel less rested- while other studies show that 30 minutes of sleep during the day can increase brain function. 

Although the naps may be beneficial to some and not to others, we recommend keeping your sleep schedule as consistent as possible to balance your internal clock. 


  1. Avoid alcohol 

Alcohol can cause a disruption in our regular sleep patterns as they alter our natural melatonin levels. Most alcoholic drinks also contain larger amounts of sugar, so avoiding these and other sweet drinks such as soda before bedtime, will ensure there is no spike in blood sugar levels or energy as you try to sleep. 


  1. Create and Practice a Bedtime Routine

Creating a bedtime routine calms your mind and prepares you for bed. Our personal favourites include taking a warm bath, sipping a warm caffeine-free drink, reading a book, journaling, and applying natural body care products. Our 100% Natural Sleep Well Collection is made with a blend of nourishing organic Argan oil and sleep-inducing chamomile, lavender, ylang ylang, and jasmine to help ease your mind and body to promote restful, deeper sleep.

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