What We're Doing for Asian Heritage Month

2 minute de lecture

What We're Doing for Asian Heritage Month

Over the past year, the world has seen a rise in hate crimes and violence against the Asian and Pacific Islander communities. Racism towards these communities is not new. There is a long history of anti-Asian hate and xenophobia. Although a lot of progress has been made, there is still more work to be done.

Uncomfortable conversations between different generations and communities must occur. We all must stand in solidarity to make collective change. 

Scentuals is passionate about raising awareness and supporting the communities affected. We are proud to share that we will be donating 10% of net proceeds from all skincare to the Yarrow Intergenerational Society of Justice

The Yarrow Intergenerational Society of Justice supports youth and low-income immigrant seniors in Vancouver’s Chinatown and Downtown Eastside since 2015. Their work is centred around building strong intergenerational relationships through the belief that freedom from oppression will come through the strength of relationships across generations united in the struggle for justice. 

Yarrow Society’s mission is to provide and enable services, advocacy, and education that empowers youth and seniors to collectively improve their communities in Chinatown. Their incredible work primarily focuses on social services and intergenerational mutual aid to help seniors overcome language barriers to accessing essential services such as healthcare, housing, finances, social community, and safety. 

They provide outreach to isolated seniors through weekly grocery deliveries and phone call check-ins, interpretation and translation services, medical accompaniment, and language justice advocacy. Their approach is to create a system of services, education, social programming, and community specific to each senior to support them in the long term. 

How can you make a difference?

  • Start a conversion and be ready to listen and learn
  • Educate yourself on the history of Asians in Canada and the U.S.
  • Stay informed 
  • Donate
  • Volunteer 
  • Support small Asian-owned businesses
  • Speak up when you witness anti-Asian racism in your community 
  • Report hate crimes

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